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Less Debt, Less Stress

More financial security. More travel. More time with family.

Have you ever imagined what life would be like with no debt?

We have. Quite often actually. For us, our debt-free life looked like this: travel as often as we can - both in the USA and abroad, travel for extended periods of time, and comfortably raise a family without financial stress. What about you?

Give your family a better life

No more juggling multiple payments, paying interest, stressing where or not there will there be enough left over? We developed a plan and paid off over $150,000 of debt and traveled the world. Now we're sharing our secrets that we used to accomplish this and live our debt-free life. Hitting Zero: Your Path To Financial Security And A Debt-Free Life breaks down our 6-step process that allowed us to break free from those financial chains and not worry about debt anymore.

We share the secrets to a fast-tracked, debt-free life

With over 50 videos and hours of content - we share the exact blue print we used to pay off our debt and do more of what we love: travel. Our 6-step process is broken down for you and easily digestible. Lastly, we firmly believe there is no "one size fits all" solution to paying off debt. The best strategy for one family may not be the best for another. Therefore, we have a heavy emphasis on financial education and walk you through nearly all debt elimination strategies to help you choose the best route.


The course is currently closed but will be accepting new members shortly. Click below and leave your email to be notified when the course opens back up. NOTE: we only accept a limited amount of new members during each enrollment. The waitlist is the best way to get notified.

What You Can Expect...

Digestible. Educational. Personal finance content on your terms, at your fingertips.

We've all tried to Google-away our debt problems and find a magical solution. The truth is: there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to debt. The most powerful approach is to be education on what's out there, what are all your options, and focus on your situation -- not someone else's. Hitting Zero: Debt Elimination Course contains over 40 videos of content helping you find the right strategy to pay off debt. This education content is easily digestible and designed to complete at your own pace.



One of the most crucial steps when beginning your debt free journey is to fully understand your debt. What kind of debt? How much is owed? What are the total payments? The Hitting Zero Debt Calculator is a custom-built tool that will allow you to simplify your debt, understand what's actually in your name, and most importably -- take back control of your finances.


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The course is currently closed but will be accepting new members shortly. Click below and leave your email to be notified when the course opens back up. NOTE: we only accept a limited amount of new members during each enrollment. The waitlist is the best way to get notified.

Why Now?

Unfortunately, debt is one of the few things in life that you simply just can't pause. The worst action is inaction when it comes to paying down your debt. The cost associated with interest from credit cards is loans is most likely one of your biggest monthly expenses outside of your mortgage or rent.

It doesn't need to be this way.

Our 6-step process will help you get back on the right path to understanding, organizing, managing, tackling, and paying off your debt.

You see, financial security isn't just about paying off your debt and living debt free. YES, paying off your debt plays a crucial role in achieving financial security. But you also need to understand and complete additional steps on your way to a debt-free life and ultimately financial security and freedom.

And that is what we cover in Hitting Zero: Your Path To Financial Security And A Debt-Free Life. Not just how to pay off and get out of debt -- but also how to stay out of debt, invest for the future, and live a continued debt-free life.

— JJ & Janelle, Extra Time Abroad

Let's Do This Together

Between the debt elimination videos and content, the ability to complete at your own pace, two free debt-elimination bonuses: Hitting Zero Debt Calculator and Hitting Zero Budget Calculator, and being part of a growing community of like-minded individuals -- we are confident that Hitting Zero: Your Path To Financial Security And A Debt-Free Life will help you achieve the life you've been searching for by helping you find the right path, strategy, and plan for paying off your debt and navigating a less stressful life. Let's do this!


The course is currently closed but will be accepting new members shortly. Click below and leave your email to be notified when the course opens back up. NOTE: we only accept a limited amount of new members during each enrollment. The waitlist is the best way to get notified.